HTTP connection timeout default 60 seconds. HiCommand Device Manager port requirement Number of the HiCommand server port through which the data source acquires information. The default value is 0. Choose Tuning Manager for performance and override other performance options. Password used for the HiCommand Device Manager server. hicommand device manager

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The Export Tool version must match the microcode version of the target array. User name for the HiCommand Device Manager server.

User name for Tuning Manager. Port used for Tuning Manager. Search within this manual Search all Support content.

Hitachi HiCommand Device Manager - ( v. 4.3 ) - maintenance Series Specs

Select to query host manager. Vendor-specific data source reference. When viewing or troubleshooting this data source, keep the following terminology in mind: User name for the storage Password: The default value is 0. These are common terminology mappings only and might not represent every case for this data devce.

Installing the Hitachi Device Manager Agent on Linux - KB | Sentry Software

Choose Tuning Manager for performance and override other performance options. Comma-separated list of devices, identified by device ID, devjce will not be discovered by this data source.

Polling interval in seconds for performance utility devices. Log in to the HiCommand Device Manager software using peer user name and password. Monitoring switch must be enabled.

Hitachi HiCommand Device Manager - ( v. ) - maintenance Series Specs - CNET

IP address of the storage User Name: Inventory Poll Interval min. Array Group, DP Pool.

hicommand device manager

The recommended setting and default for the poll interval is seconds. Comma-separated list of device ID's or array names to include or exclude. Interval between performance polls default seconds.

Installing the Hitachi Device Manager Agent on Linux

Performance Polling Interval sec. Specify whether to include or exclude the array list below when collecting data. Password for the storage.

The folder containing the Export utility. HTTP connection timeout default 60 seconds. Password used dfvice log in to the HiCommand.

No third-party software is required. Port used for the HiCommand Device Manager. Choose Tuning Manager for Performance. Exclude devices Comma-separated list of devices, identified by device ID, that will not be discovered by this data source.

The default is 40 minutes. Export utility timeout default seconds.

hicommand device manager

Poll interval minutes Interval, in minutes, at which the data source should poll the device.
